Simon is a young programmer and mathematician based in Antwerp, Belgium.
He lives and breathes math and computer science, and definitely has a soft spot for quantum physics. Native in Java Script, Python and off-the-wall abstract thinking, Simon regularly publishes some sweet coding, math and science content on his YouTube channel.
He is also active on Discord (simontiger#3073), where he helps manage a bot playground and engages in polemics on algorithms and logic with geeky soulmates, and has dipped his toe into competitive programming (on CodinGame and solving code kata on CodeWars) and game/app development (including Unity and ReactNative).
Simon’s latest obsession is speed cubing. He is teaching himself all of the official World Cubing Association events.
You can find many more of Simon’s projects in our homeschooling blog, on his p5.JS , and GitHub pages.
Simon’s math proofs have been featured on James Tanton’s popular Global Math Project.
Read an interview with Simon on (published in May 2019).
In 2019, Simon was named a World Science Scholar and joined a two-year program for the world’s most exceptional math talents, as the youngest among the students selected in 2018, 2019 and 2020. See the official press release for more info!
Simon's submission to the #MegaFavNumbers jam organized by Cambridge's James Grime for all math YouTubers. Over 200 mathematicians have pitched in with videos about their favorite numbers above 1 million. Simon has devoted his to Ron Graham and John Conway.
Click here to see a selection of Simon’s early videos.
Simon is a self directed learner - pretty much everything he knows he has taught himself. Born in Amsterdam, he became increasingly miserable trapped inside the Dutch mandatory school system. In order to set his beautiful mind free we had to move from The Netherlands to Belgium, where homeschooling is a respected legal right. Simon would love to some day solve an unsolved mathematical problem. He also dreams that all children could enjoy as much freedom to learn as he does.
Simon started to code around his 7th birthday, mainly thanks to The Coding Train by Daniel Shiffman. He is currently very proud of his role as an engineer on The Coding Train Discord server.
March 19, 2018: One of the most beautiful days in Simon's life. NYU Associate Professor and the creator of the Coding Train Daniel Shiffman has been Simon's guardian angel, role model and source of all the knowledge Simon has accumulated so far (in programming, math, community ethics, and English), and today Simon got to meet him for the first time in real life!
8 year old Simon featured in a video by Siraj Raval, an awesome creator of massively popular educational videos about AI, who materialized in our Antwerp home one New Year’s Eve.