This is small selection of Simon’s early videos.
For many more and more current videos, please go to Simon’s YouTube channel: Subscribe to get notified about new videos!
Simon is 8 in this video.
March 19, 2018 is one of the most beautiful days in Simon's life: NYU Associate Professor and the creator of the Coding Train Daniel Shiffman has been Simon's guardian angel, role model and source of all the knowledge Simon has accumulated so far (in programming, math, community ethics, and English), and today Simon got to meet him for the first time in real life!
Simon is 8 in this video.
Simon worked out this formula using the traditional formula for the Zeta Function. He's not not sure it's new (he says he's even sure it's not new) but he has worked this out on his own (and partially by memorizing Mathologer's video about the subject).
Simon is 8 in this video. He worked out this formula using the quadratic formula.
Simon is 8 in this video.
Simon shows his Times Tables Visualization in Processing (Java) and talks about how it's connected to Mandelbrot Set. You can view the video with the full visualization here, Simon has called it “Times Tables for 10 Oddly Satisfying Minutes”:
See Simon's code with the README on GitHub: Simon writes: This is a visualization for the times tables from 1 to 200 (including the in-between numbers that are multiples of .01).
Simon is 8 years old in this video and is working on a Recurrent Neural Network in Python that is going to be character-based, predicting the next character.
Simon is 8 in this video and has just finished working on his first library, Speechjs. You can find Simon's library on GitHub: Simon also added a reference page at: You can use this library for any project that uses speech recognition and/or speech synthesis.
Simon is 7 years old in this video. Simon talks about Linear Regression with Gradient Descent algorithm and how the learning works. Based upon Daniel Shiffman's tutorial 3.4 on Intelligence and Learning. Simon also made an interactive webpage about Gradient Descent at: and More about Simon's Linear Regression playlist and webpages in our blog at
Simon is 9 in this video. This is the third video in Simon's short series Infinities Driving You Mad. In this episode, Simon takes us into the strange world of inaccessible numbers. "People are just going to click this video and not notice that they're going to be mad after they watched it", Simon comments.
Simon is 9, it’s his first public performance in front of a large audience. (Speaking at the Processing Community Day in Amsterdam on February 9, 2019).
Simon is 9 in this video. The video summarizes about a week of him working on the Sorting Visualizations project:
Simon writes: I've built a giant project; a website / community project / platform for making algorithms! I've built Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, Mergesort, Quicksort, Heapsort, Shell Sort and Radix Sort.
June 2019: Simon's introductory video for the World Science Scholars program (initiative of The World Science Festival).
Simon is 9: Attempting to build an 8-bit computer from scratch.
Simon is 10: Showcasing a chess AI he built using Minimax
Simon is 10: Part II in a series of code-along tutorials he created on COVID-19 pandemic simulations
Simon is 10: How Can Math Help Resolve Racial Segregation? This video and coding project is based on Segregation Solitaire by Thomas Schelling, an American mathematician