The Times Tables Visualization Poster and Animation

You can access the code of the poster and the animation and download the presentation in PowerPoint, on GitHub at

Recently also added an animated version in p5.JS, see my code at:

Link to my animated version in Processing:

Link to me explaining the animated version:

Link to me explaining the poster version:

Link to blogpost with more pics:

Project: This is a visualization for the times tables from 1 to 200. Start with a circle with 200 points. Label the points from 0-199, then from 200-399, then from 400-599, and so on (you’re labeling the same point several times). We’ll first do the 2x table. 2×1=2, so we connect 1 to 2. 2×2=4, so we connect 2 to 4, and so on. 2×100=200, where’s the 200? It goes in a circle so 200 is where the 0 is, and now you can keep going. Now you could keep going beyond 199, but actually, you’re going to get the same lines you already had! For the code in Processing, I mapped the two numbers I wanted to connect up (call them i), which are in between 0 and 200, to a range between 0 and 2π. That gave me a fixed radius (I used 75px) and an angle (call it θ). Then I converted those to x and y by multiplying the radius by cos(θ) for x, and the radius by sin(θ) for y. That gave me a coordinate for each point (and even in between points, so you can do the in between times tables as well!) Then I connect up those coordinates with a line. Now I just do this over and over again, until all points are connected to something. Unfortunately, Processing can only create and draw on a window that is smaller than a screen. So instead of programming a single 2000px x 4000px poster, I programmed 8 1000px x 1000px pieces. Then I just spliced them together.

Idea: Times Tables, Mandelbrot and the Heart of Mathematics video by Mathologer (YouTube)

Code: by Simon Tiger (

9-year-old Simon presenting the math behind animating the times tables poster at the Processing Community Day in Amsterdam in February 2019

A video of Simon’s animated times tables visualization, the P5.JS version:

Times Tables Visualization.png